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Behind Love Anyway

Deah Curry PhD


In large part, the genesis of this book began in the epidemic of gun violence in America in the 21st century, and my inability to understand why responsible gun owners are, seemingly, not just as interested in finding solutions to end it as those who advocate for gun control are. In trying to see both sides of this cultural problem, I had conversations with several sportsmen, watched a number of videos, and talked with those who tend to go nowhere without their concealed carry handgun. Their perspectives balanced against my own, and I wanted to create characters to represent these views.

I was writing what is now Part One of Love Anyway when the January 6 insurrection at the US capital occurred. Suddenly a broad media spotlight was on violent extremist groups. Reports of friends and even family members caught by surprise by the actions of those they knew who had participated in or defended the disruption of the peaceful transfer of power that day stuck in my imagination. How juicy could it be to include an underground theme in my book that might stand between the two main characters? It was a conflict that I couldn't resist as a writer.


After publication of my first novella under the BlackMoon Lillith name, I made the decision -- if I were to write more in the steamy, late in life, second chance genre -- to continue this identity as a kind of brand product. As a marketing strategy, readers will know by use of this author name exactly what kind of story to expect.

If BlackMoon writes another romance, it's likely to focus on the dilemmas of the silver set as we transition between still feeling young while dealing with aging.


Here we have two people who are successful and active in their careers in their mid-60s. Neither are looking for love, yet fate brings them together for the second time. Each knows that a lasting relationship requires more than passionate attraction, and these two have some long-entrenched habits and divergent life-styles to consider.

I was interested in exploring how a relationship filled with challenges, doubts, dangers, and deep divisions might negotiate its way to abiding commitment with maturity, communication, and charm. What might that look like? Could it work? And to what extent could a couple like this buck traditional expectations and still feel supported and accepted?


The iconic Gateway Arch is pictured on the cover to locate this story in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. I wanted an image that reinforced the understanding that the school David is teaching for -- Washington University -- should not be confused with being in the west coast state. On a more subtle level, the arch conveys the conservatism that looms over the couple throughout the story.

It is expected that romance books feature shirtless, super muscled males, especially when the content includes any amount of explicit steamy love scenes. Personally, I hate that convention. It's exploitive, makes those covers boringly similar, and are just plain uncreative, IMHO, not to mention maybe not so attractive for late in life romance with bodies that have lived a lot before you meet them.

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